When: Thursday, July 20, 2023 Where: Teton Village Fire House
6:00 p.m. Meeting 7648 Granite Loop Rd
7:00 p.m. Dinner
Presented by:
Teton Village Water & Sewer District Teton Village Special Fire District
Teton Village Association ISD Teton Village Architectural Committee
Teton Village Improvement & Service District Teton Village Resort District
You are invited to the 35th annual All Districts’ Meeting & Budget Hearing followed by the 19th annual “Community Dinner” Thursday July 20th at the Teton Village Fire House.
The Annual All Districts’ meeting will begin at 6:00 PM, with Board members from each of the special districts reporting on projects and events. Annual budgets for the 2023-24 fiscal year will be presented for public comment, followed by dinner at 7:00 PM.
Due to the start of construction on the TVWSD Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion at the Teton Village District Offices, the 2023 meeting will be held at the Teton Village Fire House.
Please visit www.tetonvillagewy.gov/teton-news-views to view the 2023 newsletter.
Please visit www.tetonvillagewy.gov/residents/water-quality-report to view the 2022 Water Quality Report.