Be Bear Aware
Teton County LDR’s classifies Teton Village as “Conflict Priority Area 1” (CPA1) and is defined as an area that is in or adjacent to identified bear habitat or migration area(s). Sightings and conflict tend to be more common in these areas depending on the time of year and availability of natural food resources. Residents in a CPA1 area are required to take the following precautions to minimize the risk of problems with bears (and other wildlife).
All lots, residential or commercial, are required to use a certified bear-resistant container or dumpster for trash. Additionally, the TVAC Restrictive Covenants state that garbage or garbage cans are not allowed to remain in open view at any time. Garbage and garbage cans must be stored in an enclosure to prevent animal access.
Dogs and other pets should be kept inside at night and fed inside whenever possible. If you feed pets outside, only feed during the day and in an amount that will be consumed immediately. Do not leave bowls and pet food outside overnight.
Bird feeders can also attract bears, as well as other wild animals; including fox, raccoon, and deer. Feeders should have a catch pan and be suspended out of reach – at least 10 feet off the ground and 4 feet away from any tree trunk or pole.
If bears get into garbage or other food, REMOVE THE ATTRACTANT IMMEDIATELY AND NOTIFY THE WYOMING GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT AT 307.733.2321. Avoid giving bears a repeated food reward.
Bears that associate people and places people live with easy food rewards can become dangerous, and may eventually have to be killed.
Other Useful Wildlife Resources
To report wildlife conflicts, please call Wyoming Game and Fish Dispatch at 307-733-2321
If you need assistance securing bear attractants on your property, please contact BearWise Jackson Hole at 307-739-0968
If you have questions about Teton County wildlife regulations please visit https://engagetetoncountywy.com/w3457
For additional resources, please visit
BearWise Jackson Hole https://jhwildlife.org/bearwise-jh
For Jackson Region WGFD News, please visit https://wgfd.wyo.gov/Regional-Offices/Jackson-Region/Jackson-Region-News.