Board Members for Different Districts in Teton Village
Teton Village District Offices are comprised of five different Special Government Districts and the Architectural Committee, servicing both Residential and Commercial interests in Teton Village. Below you will find a list of each entity’s Board of Directors.

Commercial Improvement & Service District (TVA)
Teton Village Association (TVA) is a local government entity that enhances the guest experience to make Teton Village the #1 destination resort community. TVA is responsible for municipal-type functions in the commercial core of Teton Village. It is funded by property tax assessments from its stakeholders. In addition, TVA organizes and promotes activities and events to augment the visitor experience for locals and guests. TVA is run by a Board of Directors that is elected by the Commercial Lot Owners in Teton Village.
Interim Board Chair & Secretary: Mary Kate Buckley
Treasurer: Jim Terry
Director: John Newman

Resort District (TVRD)
Teton Village Resort District (TVRD) works in cooperation with the Teton Village Association to improve and maintain the commercial core of Teton Village and is funded by an optional 2% sales tax.
Chair: Matt McCreedy
Treasurer: Rob DesLauriers
Secretary: Junie Fuchs

Water & Sewer District (TVW&SD)
The Teton Village Water and Sewer District (TVW&SD) was formed in 1969 and is funded through a combination of mill levy property tax and use fees. TVW&SD provides water and sewer services and related infrastructure in Teton Village, including Granite Ridge and Shooting Star. The TVW&SD Board of Directors is made up of five members, who serve without compensation. Each is elected to serve a four-year term, with the terms staggered. According to Wyoming State Statute, officials elected to serve on the TVW&SD Board of Directors must own property within district boundaries.
Chair: Tim Carney – Term Ends 2026
Treasurer: Jim Terry – Term Ends 2024
Secretary: Frank Kaunitz – Term Ends 2028
Director: Donald Gervais – Term Ends 2028
Director: Jim Mahaffie – Term Ends 2028

Residential Improvement & Service District (TVISD)
The Teton Village Improvement & Service District (TVISD) was formed in 1985 and is funded through a property tax special assessment. The TVISD provides municipal services in the residential areas of Teton Village, including Granite Ridge. The Teton Village Improvement & Service District (TVISD) Board of Directors is made up of three members, who serve without compensation. Each is elected to serve a four-year term, with the terms staggered. According to Wyoming State Statute, officials elected to serve the TVISD must own property within district boundaries.
Chair: Tim Carney – Term Ends 2026
Treasurer: Mary Kay Werner – Term Ends 2025
Secretary: Shawn Reichel Daus – Term Ends 2028

Special Fire District (TVSFD)
The Teton Village Special Fire District (TVSFD) was formed in 1986 and is funded through a combination of mill levy property tax and donations. The Teton Village Volunteer Fire Department provides fire protection services to residential and commercial properties in Teton Village. The TVSFD Board of Directors is made up of three members, who serve without compensation. Each is elected to serve a four-year term, with the terms staggered. According to Wyoming State Statute, Board members must be residents living within district boundaries.
Chair: Carlen Carney – Term Ends 2028
Treasurer: Greg Esdale – Term Ends 2026
Secretary: Jen Bruno – Term Ends 2026

Architectural Committee (TVAC)
Teton Village Architectural Committee (TVAC) is made up of five members, who serve without compensation. Residential, Commercial, and Multi-Dwelling representatives are elected to terms of three years. In addition, the Jackson Hole Mountain Resort appoints a representative for the Resort and a Consulting Architect is appointed by the Committee annually. A Building Inspector is also appointed by the Committee annually but is not a voting member. According to the Restrictive Covenants of Teton Village, Committee members must be residents of Teton County.
Chair / JHMR Representative: Bill Schreiber – Appointed
Vice Chair / Residential Representative: Mary Kay Werner – Term Ends 2026
Secretary / Commercial Representative: Cody Mueller- Term Ends 2025
Treasurer / Multi-Dwelling Representative: Kevin Salava- Term Ends 2025
Consulting Architect: James P. Barlow, AIA – Appointed
Building Inspector: Herb Brooks – Appointed